What is your yardstick?
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:: show up and show your talent. even when no one appreciates you ::
Hyona was your girl next door.
Bubbly. Charismatic.
She made strangers comfortable with her whenever she was around them. She made them laughed easily. If she were born with a talent, it would be this – making people at ease from the very first moment they met. Underneath that bright personality, no one knew she made a promise to herself on her 25th birthday – she promised herself that after her 10th failed relationship, she would commit suicide. She decided 10 was a good number to conclude she would never find her soul mate.
One year ago, she broke up with her last partner. She was her 9th. Her first 6 were boys and last 3 were girls. She could have easily gone back to a boy this time. But no. Her new love interest was a non-binary girl, Dijon. It also meant if they broke up, it would be her last.
Of all the boys and girls she had ever loved, they were different in every way. Their personality, taste in music, food preference, mannerism, sexual orientation, gender identity, even down to the pets they own. Did they have a cat or a dog as pet? One of them preferred rabbits over dogs or cats. There was one thing, however, they always had in common. When their relationship ended, Hyona was the one who ended it.
Never the other way round.

phase 1
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News of possible tsunami started coming up on Hyona’s news feeds on her mobile.
It was only 28 days ago, when the hottest temperature ever was recorded on earth. In 1913, 56.7 degrees Celsius was last recorded in California’s Death Valley. It was an official verified air temperature noted by the WMO. On Hyona’s news feeds, it stated the official air temperature in Honolulu reached 58.7 degrees Celcius. That would make an average of 1 degree Celsius increase in air temperature every 2-3 days. The rate of increase ramped up immensely since a month ago in Honolulu. A message popped up in her mobile, ‘What time are we meeting up tomorrow?’ Hyona had planned a road trip with Dijon and they were going to meet up and stay at Honolulu hotel for a night before starting their trip the next day. Hyona had already planned out the trip carefully so Dijon wouldn’t get angry. Dijon once went off on a guy who sat on his table by mistake. Hyona spent the whole afternoon trying to handle him so he would get his mind off the guy.
Hyona knew they would need a car
On the map, Google recommended route 63 to go up North. But Dijon heard about the Tetsuo Harano tunnel which you could drive pass the mountain, ‘Let’s take the H3 highway, we can drive through the moutain!’ It seemed like a fun detour so Hyona agreed, ‘Let’s do that! And we can reach turtle beach earlier.’ It was the north tip end of Oahu island.

More earthquakes in Greenland might not seem like a big deal, but this could have far wider ramifications. About 8,200 years ago, an earthquake linked to the uplift of Scandinavia, triggered the Storegga Slide; a gigantic undersea sediment slide that sent a tsunami racing across the North Atlantic. Run-up heights were more than 20m in the Shetlands and six metres along the east coast of Scotland, and the event has been blamed for the flooding of Doggerland; the inhabited Mesolithic landmass that occupied what is now the southern North Sea.
The submerged margins of Greenland are currently not very well mapped, so the likelihood of a future earthquake triggering a landslide capable of generating a major tsunami in the North Atlantic is unknown. Dave Tappin, a tsunami expert at the British Geological Survey, points out that one large, undersea landslide has been identified off the coast of Greenland, but suspects that there may not be sufficient sediment to generate landslides as large as Storegga. Nonetheless, the seismic revival of Greenland is certainly a geological response to climate change that we need to keep an eye on.
1 Warmer temperature globally leads to ice melting
2 Ice melting leads to landslide
3 Landslide leads to Tsunami
While volcanoes caused Tsunami, gigantic glacier calving also triggered Tsunami!
Suddenly all the glaciers all around the world started calving due to the sudden rise the global temperature. The last time our world experienced serious warming was at the end of the last ice age when, between about 20,000 and 10,000 years ago, temperatures rose by six degrees centigrade, melting the great continental ice sheets and pushing up sea levels by more than 120m. In high mountain ranges across the world from the Caucasus in the north to New Zealand’s southern Alps, longer and more intense heatwaves are melting the ice and thawing the permafrost that keeps mountain faces intact, leading to a rise in major landslides. Volcanologist Hugh Tuffen, of Lancaster University, is worried about the stability of the more than 10% of active volcanoes that are ice-covered. He says that “climate change is driving rapid melting of ice on many volcanoes worldwide, triggering unloading as ice is removed. As well as encouraging magma to rise to the surface, leading to increased volcanic activity, removal of ice can also destabilise steep volcano flanks, making hazardous landslides more likely.”
Where an earthquake fault or volcano is primed and ready to go, however, climate change may provide that extra helping hand that brings forward the timing of a quake or eruption that would eventually have happened anyway.
There’s an ice climb used by Sherpas, for example, that serves as an agricultural indicator.
“When that special climb [melts out], it’s time to plant the potatoes,” Anker said. “So it’s one example of the ways they connect to their environment, using ice to measure the planting season.”
Conversations with elders in villages near Everest make it clear they’ve seen significant retreat of snow and ice, he added. (See pictures of melting places around the world.)
A volcanic tsunami, also called a volcanogenic tsunami, is a tsunami produced by volcanic phenomena. About 20–25% of all fatalities at volcanoes during the past 250 years have been caused by volcanic tsunamis. The most devastating volcanic tsunami in recorded history was that produced by the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa. The waves reached heights of 40 m (130 ft) and killed 36,000 people.[1]
Did she know how she would kill herself yet? No. But a few ideas came up since her promise when she was 25. She thought of cutting herself and let her bleed out to die. In 2003, on 1 April ironically, Leslie Cheung committed suicide by jumping off the 24th floor of the hotel Mandarin Oriental in Hong Kong. Hyona was 18 at the time. She remembered watching the news on TV. The sadness was immense. 90% of Hong Kong population was grieving. What would make someone like Leslie to kill himself? On the TV screen, the newsreader continued: Cheung died by suicide on 1 April 2003 at 6:43 pm. He leapt from the 24th floor of the Mandarin Oriental hotel, located in the Central district of Hong Kong Island. He left a suicide note saying that he had been suffering from depression. In his suicide note, it ended with this question:
“In my life I have done nothing bad. Why does it have to be like this?”
Hyona wouldn’t leave a suicide note. It was pretty much a done deal. Why would you leave a suicide note when you don’t have someone to love you? It was a given she would be single before she committed suicide. She thought about her mum briefly. She quickly disregarded the idea of leaving any kind of communication to mum. They had not spoken since last Christmas. It had been nearly 5 months.
I’m with you was playing on the radio. According to Avril Lavigne, the song was written when she was having a “depressing day” due to feelings of loneliness over being single.
Road trip home from Coffs
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Finding a place to move out and live was not easy but Tijon helped.
Adult dining and drinking
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Hyona’s legs were fidgeting under the table. Dijon was fidgeting and moving his legs. A non-binary would usually choose a pronouns of They/Them. But Dijon was mostly misgendered as a male so they might as well go with He/Him. Their pronouns didn’t bother them as long as they are not solely male or female. They identify with more than one gender. Dijon accepted whichever pronouns people addressed at the time. Dijon was wearing Polo shirt with long pants. Dijon sported short sleek hair. When people addressed them as sir, he happily responded to the waiter.
Dijon gave Hyona full control of menu ordering. Hyona was happy to take on that challenge as Dijon was a fussy eater all their life.
Hyona wanted to make variety a theme so she picked lamb cutlets, sirloin steak and pork belly. Dijon smiled when Hyona gave the order carefully to the waiter. Dijon heard it loud and clear what Hyona ordered.
Hyon’s Tiny little rabbit (symbolism) was running up and down. It has not been settled since Hyon’s decision to move out. Tiny doesn’t like purple. (make sure the stars on ceiling are purple).
What colors do rabbits see?
Rabbits have dichromatic color vision, meaning that they have two types of functioning color receptors, called cone cells, in their eyes. While humans can observe a combination of red, blue and green, rabbits can only observe two colors: blue and green.
Lucky purple was never Hyona’s favourite. Tiny would have a panicky period constantly at home if Hyona has a fondness to purple.
phase 2
Meghan was a heroine addict
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She found her home. Her grand kids, who run around the hotel who she tasked them to help with taking things. Her daughter helped her clean up.
Meghan will be Hyon’s mentor.
To the child, abandonment by its parents is equivalent to death.
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I’ve had my run
Baby, I’m done
I gotta go home
Let me go home
It’ll all be all right
I’ll be home tonight
I’m coming back home
Hyona’s mum never given her a proper home
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Step dad wanted Hyona out of house by end of year.
phase 3
Hyona abandoned her 2nd ex before he broke up with her
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Detour at Taree: Coldest beer ever.
At lunch at Ernie’s, Hyona’s legs was fidgeting under the table. Tiny was running up and down.
When she abandoned her 2nd ex, she threw plates on the floor. Food and broken glasses were everywhere on the floor.
If I had to do it all over again, I would never leave you. – Hyona’s mum
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They were looping around making detours but still could not get back on highway.
Tsunami news getting closer and imminent.
Her bf was about to break-up with her
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Hyona’s mum was
They finally got out of a loop around Oahu. Tetsuo Harano Tunnel Oahu Hawaii. They saw the stars on the purple ceiling.
For the first time:
- Hyona felt safe and at home finally with Tijon
- Tiny saw purple ceiling but she was calmly sitting next to Hyona (the symbolism)
- Tijon opened up her feelings and flood gates opened when she started sobbing uncontrollably needing Hyona for the first time. Not the other way round when she was the calm one with Hyona living outside of her head.
Hyona was kicked out of mum’s house
Hyona asked her mum why she couldn’t live with her.
Hyona asked the same question again 10 years later.
Would you still leave me now?
Hyona was about to break. Tiny was running up and down. And then Hyona saw a message from her mum. Tiny stopped running and jumped into her lap. Hyona cried and held Tjion’s hand instead.