I read and write about awareness so I can learn about self-love.
The idea of minimalism is to own less. Less is more. Enjoy the simple things as they are what really matters in life.
It’s only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
The Little Prince
The idea of resilience is to bounce back no matter what obstacles are thrown at you in life. Although I lack self-confidence, I am tough. I pick myself up and try again every time.
And if at first you don’t succeed
Then dust yourself off and try again

I am an essentialist. What it means is that I see chaos, mess, complexity everywhere in life and it triggers a near-primal urge in me to create order and simplicity. This is what I do professionally at work. This is also what I do at home.
If you want more time, freedom and energy, start saying no.
Kaizen is about improvement. I work hard to improve every part of my life. The way I think. The way I do things. The way I treat people. In every way, there is room to improve. We can only do the best we can in any situation.
When you know better, you do better.
Maya Angelou
I used to hate the idea of being vulnerable. Vulnerability does not come easy to me. I first started putting myself out there for others to judge ever since I read the book: A Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck. It’s about commitment to the truth at all cost. Even at the cost of exposing the darkest side of me. It’s about sharing my weakness. My clumsiness. My truth. With the intent to connect with people.
Vulnerability is not winning or losing. It’s having the courage to show up and be seen. When we have no control over the outcome.
Brené Brown

I read and enjoy sad love story. The idea of a sad love story has stayed with me all my life. I grew up singing along to another sad love song on the radio. I watched tragic love story on films by Tarantino and Sofia Coppola. I read poignant books by Haruki Murakami and Mark Z. Danielson. I long for a sad unrequited love story that is as beautiful as a Wong Kar-Wai film. I find there is a universal theme of finding self-love in every unrequited love story.
I don’t love me.
And that’s how I understand why you don’t either.
Remember that to choose life is to accept pain. What is the most important kind of freedom? by John P. Weiss.
Techno and the rave scene was introduced to me at quite a late stage of my life. I love this genre of music. I love how it connects people. I love dancing to Techno. How it dissolves our ego, so we become one with the world.
If music is the only thing you can love without it breaking your heart, then loose yourself in it. For it will make you smile like a fool. A fool who is in love.
Pokémon Go helped me getting focus on doing something that is not work-related. It helped me managing my stress and anxiety when I could just walk everywhere and get lost in the city with my Pokémon Go.
Always remember, your focus determines your reality.
George Lucas

The idea of a transgender‘s life in Sydney came about when I started blogging on Instagram. Writing about it kept me sane and got me focus on building a life that I want (not what society tells me). Having said that, society accepts me for who I am. I am still grateful until this day, I’m living my life as a trans girl and have full access to equal rights. This wasn’t a possibility not too long ago. It’s still not possible in many countries.
I am grateful. Grapefruits!
Illustrations by fern choonet